ATV psychotherapeutic treatment

Type: psychotherapeutic treatment
Target group: adults who perpetrate of violence in close relationships, mostly men
Aim: actively work with men and teenage perpetrators to stop their violent behaviour, thereby contributing to a more gender-equal society
Setting: one-to-one and/or group sessions
Level: individual, relational / interpersonal

ATV offers psychotherapeutic preventative work at the individual level, supporting those who use violence and aggression against loved ones with treatment to change their behaviour. Having applied to participate, there is an initial clarification interview in which the most appropriate treatment will be determined and adapted to individual needs and experiences. Ongoing treatment (timeline varies by each participant) takes place individually, in groups, or a mixture of both settings.

Highly educated psychologists, psychotherapists and family therapists are employed by ATV to deliver its treatment offers, catering primarily to perpetrators of violence in close relationships but also victims of domestic violence, children exposed to domestic violence, and young people with aggression problems.

To address the root cause of violence and why it has become a problem, each participant’s relationship to their own feelings is highlighted, in order to gain a better understanding of oneself and to find good alternatives to violence. The positive impact of this treatment is proven by a reduction in the use of all types of violence eighteen months after ending the treatment, according to both the men and their partners (demonstrated by a newly published explorative study delivered by ATV in collaboration with the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies, NKVTS).

Men can self-refer themselves for this treatment, or be referred by public agencies. Costs of participation are equivalent to visiting the GP, thereby securing personal commitment whilst keeping the treatment accessible.

Organisation: Alternative to Violence (ATV)
Location: nationwide, Norway
Contact person: Marius Råkil, Director – marius[at]

Alternative to Violence is a professional violence-specific psychotherapeutic organisation, with special emphasis on violence in close relationships. The foundation has treatment, knowledge development and knowledge dissemination as its three-part mandate (primarily financed through state and municipal grants), delivered across its 15 offices throughout Norway. Established in 1987, the foundation is the oldest in its field in Europe. Through its professional work over the last thirty years, ATV has contributed to the development of society’s understanding of domestic violence as a societal problem, as well as introducing a public health perspective on the issue.